
How Can Touch Screen Kiosks Improve Your Own Employee?s Health?

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We have already talked previously how our taxes are leading to improved technology, in particular with the presence of kiosks in the Health industry such as the NHS or doctor’s surgeries.

In that post, we discussed how a unit can benefit your business, to enhance the customer’s experience and improve overall satisfaction and management e.g. patient’s checking in for appointments or logging in for medical data.

But how can a Touch screen better your own employee’s health rather than the customer; and what are the advantages for you as the employer?

A company in Paris has implemented some kiosks that concentrate on managing employee wellbeing  and health; checking their vital health signs, including body mass index, hydration level, blood pressure and body fat.

Capgemini, a consulting technology outsourcing and local professional services firm; issued out the units in France, as well as more than 35 countries.

The “Thrive initiative” is intended to increase focus on employee wellbeing in three phases over a six month period.

The first phase began three months ago in October 2010 with a staff campaign highlighting the importance of staying hydrated, with the workforce using the kiosks to receive their hydration statistics.

Phase two, which begins this January, will concentrate on body fat levels.

Phase three will centre on blood pressure and how its’ employees can reduce it or manage their levels.

The kiosks will be available throughout the campaign for staff to check their progress as well as an intranet site with the same information.

So far the campaign has seen about 2,500 tests completed in the Kiosks and about 50,000 hits on the intranet site.

But how can it benefit you the employer to know more about your employee’s health and how important is it?

–          A healthier employee has more prolonged life vitality and therefore would work for you longer.

–          A healthier employee is less likely to be taking working days off for being ill or sick.

–          Whilst at work, a healthier staff member can concentrate fully and put more effort into their workload, leading to better results.

–          Awareness of the working conditions possibly causing strain, stress and medical problems.

–          Understanding their physical working limitations.

To install a Touch Screen kiosk in your business, contact Protouch today.